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Free Her Voice 

Songwriter Sisterhood

A 6-month program to move out of fear and sing from your heart

The Songwriter Sisterhood is a supportive container to explore your essence, truth and voice. With in-person and online individual and group coaching you will be supported to write authentic songs and sing with confidence! 

The Program will culminate with a live community performance to showcase what you create.


Are you ready to crack the "I can't sing" or "I'm not musical" beliefs and step into an expanded expression of your self?


​In the 6 month program you will: 

Learn to write and sing your own songs

Move through stuck or suppressed emotions

Strengthen all aspects of your voice to consciously

improve communication in relationships, business, and self-talk

Showcase what you created in a final performance

Unblock your Voice

Meet The Musical Midwife 

Do you feel like you have songs that are wanting to come through you but you don't know where to begin?
I am a midwife of song. 
I provide guidance and support to women that have songs inside of them that need to be birthed.
I have helped women who thought they couldn't sing discover an amazing voice within them and birth the songs inside of them that have been itching to come out.
I am well versed in the creative process and hold space for you to sift and sort through your ideas while catching your words on paper. I help you uncover the songs within you by guiding you into your body and breath to find the right melodies, rhythms, and words to communicate all that you feel. 

Learn more about my process here!
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"It is thanks to Chelsea that I have come to call myself a songwriter. 
She told me she was a song doula, and has since helped me birth so many of my own original compositions...something I never dreamed possible.

 Her magic is in giving intuitive support, encouragement and direction needed to find your authentic voice and express it in song."

-Vanessa Diamond

 "Chelsea helped me see my own ability to create music that also allowed me to cope with some deep and difficult issues in my life. In collaboration with Chelsea, I've created a handful of songs that are so cathartic to sing." -Lisa Holden 
 "One session with Chelsea took me deeper than 10 years of therapy." -Erica Cassidy

You have what it takes! 

The human brain is hardwired for song. Songs are a foundation of how we teach language skills- think about the ABC's. Songs create pathways in the brain that we can access and remember. In the songwriting style I teach, you will learn to use the energy in your body as the material for your music and alchemize stuck energy or emotion.


Just because you don't sing or write songs (yet) does not mean you can't do it and it definitely does not mean you are not musical.

Remember how challenging it was to drive a car or ride a bike when you were first starting? That was because it was new and unfamiliar- it didn't mean you can't do it. Now you probably drive one-handed and multitask behind the wheel and barely think out it. Well, it's the same with singing and songwriting. My course will teach you the skills to grow your confidence in a safe and supportive environment. 

Cracking the "I can't sing" belief

When do we begin?

This program will literally take you through a growing season. We start mid spring  and will complete in the fall harvest time. The material will help you tune you back in with the cycles and rhythms of nature. Coaching calls will take place on evenings and weekends. Reach out if you have any timing concerns. 

Price and what is included

In the 6 Month Songwriting Sisterhood, you will receive:

-Monthly 1:1 coaching calls with Chelsea. This is your place to receive focused support with your songwriting. There is no agenda on these calls, your energy will direct the session based on what kind of support you need. Calls are 60 minutes and will churn up any stuck energy you have and turn it into raw energy you can use! You direct the sessions and Chelsea will help you blaze your trail!

- 2 Group coachings per month. There will be 3 in person group coachings throughout the program and the rest will occur online. The online sessions will be 90 minutes and will contain a lesson and opportunities for Q and A. This is the place to share, ask questions, talk about your process, and be witnessed in a community of supportive women.

- 1 "office hours" call per month where I will be available to answer questions or provide additional support you may be needing. These sessions are 45 minutes and are recommended but not required to attend.

- 3 In-person in-depth group coaching sessions. These will be scattered throughout the program to create synergy as a group and help you gain confidence to share what songs are emerging through you. These will take place in the Santa Cruz mountains and will be our deepest dive into the work together.

- 1 Final performance to showcase what has been created for our community. 

-You will also have access to a private online cohort group where you can ask questions, share what is coming through for you, and interact with the material with your peers. 




for 9 months 

Payment plans as low as

or pay in full

*This is a very intimate container limited to 6 women who are ready to do the work to unblock their voices. If you feel ready to take the leap, please click to schedule a 15 min interview with Chelsea to make sure this program will be a fit for you.

Who is this program for? 

Women who are ready to unblock their voice

Women who have never written songs but feel a call inside to do so

Seasoned songwriters who want to deepen their musical journey and take their songwriting to the next level

Women who wish to explore their creativity and open new pathways for growth and self-connection

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I need space in my house to sing?

No, you do not need to sing inside your house. You can take our sessions outside in nature, in your car, or anywhere you feel like you have privacy/ safe space

When is it happening? 

We start on the spring equinox and finish on the Fall equinox. See the schedule here

Do I need to have singing experience?

Absolutely not! It does not hurt but you do not need any experience

Do you accept payment plans?

Yes! We can discuss payment options together

What if I've never performed in front of an audience?

This will be so empowering for you! It is one thing to create songs but it is a whole other thing to share and be seen in that creative offering. I can promise that we will do what it takes to make you feel safe to be able to step into visibility and walk into this new territory with support and confidence. 

What if I want to do coaching and not do a performance?

I offer 1:1 coaching packages outside of this container that can support your songwriting, but this particular group includes performance. If you are interested in just coaching, click here

What if I only want to do half of it?

Sorry but this container is all in. It is for women who are ready to go the distance (Even if it feels like a scary  growing edge)

© 2019 Chelsea :) 

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