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Free Her Voice 


Are you ready to voice things you tend to suppress? 

Are you ready to heal emotional wounds and scars? 

Are you ready to get in touch with parts of yourself that feel inaccessible?

Are you ready to unleash creativity and be witnessed in your truth?

Are you ready to shed limiting beliefs and step into bigger self-expression?

Click above for a FREE 15-minute Voice Breakthrough Session with Chelsea 

 "Chelsea helped me see my own ability to create music that also allowed me to cope with some deep and difficult issues in my life. In collaboration with Chelsea, I've created a handful of songs that are so cathartic to sing." -Lisa Holden 

"It is thanks to Chelsea that I have come to call myself a songwriter. 
She told me she was a song doula, and has since helped me birth so many of my own original compositions...something I never dreamed possible.

 Her magic is in giving intuitive support, encouragement and direction needed to find your authentic voice and express it in song."

-Vanessa Diamond

Meet The Musical Midwife 

Do you feel like you have songs that are wanting to come through you but you don't know where to begin?


I am a song doula. 


I have provided guidance and support to dozens of women that have songs inside of them that need to be birthed.


I have helped women who thought they couldn't sing discover an amazing voice within them and birth the songs inside of them that have been itching to come out.


I am well versed in the creative process and hold space for you to sift and sort through your ideas while catching your words on paper. I help you sculpt your songs by guiding you into your body and breath to put the right melodies and words to communicate all that you feel. 


You have what it takes! 

The human brain is hardwired for songs. Songs are a foundation of how we teach language skills- think about the ABC's. Songs create pathways in the brain that we can access and remember. I want to help women learn ways to access the voices inside of them that are wanting to be liberated. 

Get Fully Activated

Creating music activates every center of the brain: movement, language, emotional, memory, auditory, visual, planning.

So writing your own music is literally making you fully activated!


Cracking the "I can't do it" and "I'm not musical" beliefs

Just because you don't sing or write songs (yet) does not mean you can't do it and it definitely does not mean you are not musical.

Remember how challenging it was to drive a car or ride a bike when you were first starting? That was because it was new and unfamiliar- it didn't mean you can't do it. Now you probably drive one-handed and multitask behind the wheel and barely think out it. Well, It's the same with singing and songwriting. My course will teach you the skills to grow your confidence in a safe and supportive environment. 

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